Karasu 14-key combination-stroke keyboards ASCII rendering of table version on http://fu.cd5k.net/vrs/kbd/ By Bytemoth - CC BY-SA 4.0 Layout: [ ] [C] [I] [2] [bksp] [ALTE] [/n] [M] [V] [X] [shf] [MATH] [ ] [ spacebar ] [tab] [CAPS] Keys: /n - Return/Enter C - +100 (Navigation Lock) I - +1 2 - +2 bksp - Backspace ALTE - Alternate character set lock M - +1000 (Menu/Escape) V - +4 X - +10 shf - Shifted character set toggle MATH - Mathematics character set lock CAPS - Shifted character set lock Keypress chart (explained below): keys 1 2 4 A 3 5 B 6 C E 7 D F G H CAPS 1 2 4 A 3 5 B 6 C E 7 D F G H ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- ABCD e t a o i n s h r d u c m w f ABCD E T A O I N S H R D U C M W F ALTE g y p ? b k [ j ] ` z ' , . _ ALTE G Y P ! B K < J > ~ Z " ; : | MATH 1 2 4 0 3 5 ( 6 ) / 7 + - * = MATH @ $ { ^ } % & # 1-H (17) are typed by simultaneously pressing the various combinations of I, II, V, and X (+1, +2, +4, and +10). The M key is Menu or Escape except in Navigation Lock, which is toggled with C. Navigation Lock converts the following keys: I/M/V/X to up/left/down/right, ALTE/MATH to PgUp/PgDn, Tab/CAPS to Home/End, II+Tab/II+CAPS to Start/EOF.